colour up your life.
Has any of you seen the sun lately? Please tell her she needs to report (urgently) on duty. Tell her good old Germany badly needs her services like right now :-) The bitter cold siberian wind has taken over the land and it is slowly changing me into the evil "Snow Queen" :-)) I need you sun, to send down your warm rays and rescue my soul before it completely transcends into the dark underworld.....:-((
Winter is in full force and the last days out here have been bitter cold(-16°C). This is my worst nightmare as an Afro lady with a sunshine heart and soul :-) I know everyone reacts differently but even the best of us can get a little down when it comes to such extreme temperatures. Mind you, i am one very tough cookie but this time around i must admit defeat :-(( The Winter Blues did get to me this year. The last days i have been analysing my symptons and working on a fight back plan to keep it from staying on :-)
Ok, you all don´t have to start thinking she needs to go to a doctor and get some proper help and all that bla, bla, bla, stuff ok :-)) Mind you, i am not yet in the clinical depressed state ok. Besides if things get out of control(which i strongly doubt) i will get some help :-)))This is me just trying to humorize the blues and make it not look so depressive like it always sounds. Ok now that we have that cleared lets get back to.....where was i ??? Oh yes......
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i feel like i am changing into an ice-hearted "Snow Queen"...... :-)) (photo source:click) |
My mood is down and gloomy just like the weather outside and it makes me want to just lash out and be bitchy or even mean. I want to lash out at the freezing weather....grrrrrrrhhhhhhhh!!!!! Yes, lash out at the people who aint sitting out here like me with a freezing weather outside. Lash out at those who have a beautiful, warm and sunny weather but are complaining and wishing they were here instead........
How much i envy those back home(africa) walking around in their summer clothes, enjoying the sun and out door living. Well, some of them just don´t get it when i say i envy them. They find it amusing that i can be envious of them living back in africa. On the contrary, they say they are the ones who are envious of us living "the dream life" out here in europe. Sometimes one tries really hard to convince them ...all that glitters is not gold....but no one is truely listening, let alone believing it isn´t paradise out here. At moments like now with these extreme temperatures outside, i get this really funny thoughts running through my mind.........:-))
For those friends/relatives who can´t stop singing how lucky one is living in europe and who will stop at nothing to join you in dreamland,.....this is the perfect time to make them come over for a visit. I can just imagine the expression on their faces when they jump out of the plane all excited and bang!!!! it is -15°C. What a shock from 25°C to -15°C.....that is a great welcome to "paradise/dreamland".......Welcome to paradise where it gets freezing cold in winter and we walk around packed up in layers of clothing. We practically have no outdoor lives for months. I wonder if this will finally get the message home.....:-))
I guess some of you are wondering why would she want to do a thing like that?? he, he, he, well, lets just say that´s not me talking right´s the blame it on the winter blues. Remember, it makes me want to lash out and be mean :-))
But seriously, i am lashing out not because i am mad at them.....not at all. I do lash out because i envy them for being there, where the sun so brightly shines and more because they are not even aware of this priceless luxury at their disposal. People are paying hard end cash out here to get the sunlight effect in sun studios. I have been that close to trying out one myself just to have that warm sunny feeling even if just for a few minutes. But you all can guess the answer to that.....i am pretty much too tanned already for a sun studio visit anyways......i might just get out with the deepest dark tan ever......too risky :-))))
Hey you reading this now, if you belong to this group of "europe is paradise" thinkers, please listen to a sister when she says "paradise" is not a particular destination and it is definately not europe especially in winter.....
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a "Rainmaker" at work. I wish he could help with this cold :-) |
If i was back in africa maybe i would have called upon my ancestors for help. Back home(africa), when the weather gets out of control one can ask for help from the ancestors through a medium called a "Rainmaker". For example if it rains heavily for days without end and there is a great festival planned one can ask for help from a "Rainmaker". He will hold back the rain for the festival and also they are also known to make it rain too especially to help the harvest. Please don´t ask how it works because i have no clue myself :-) I am no expert when it comes to traditional beliefs and rituals.....all i know is, it is part of a traditional ritual. It will be really cool though if they have a ritual to help stop the cold :-)) Well, i think that will be a little tricky and challenging though since we have no winters back there and so they have practically no experience with freezing cold weather. Hey!! any "Cold stoppers" out there? Your services are badly needed out here :-))
Well, well, only me can help myself here i guess :-) So to bring my mood up once again, i am just going to do what i already love doing.......Colouring up my world. Yes, colours!!! You all know me by now with my colours. I can never get enough of colours, colours and more colours :-) So if you are down with the blues like me why not lift up your mood with some colours. Embrace the dreadful winter temperatures with some bright, vibrant and colourful out wears. Don´t be afraid to experiment. Be creative and be your own master painter. There are no rules to follow just mix and match and have fun as you go along........think about what you miss the must in winter and bring in colours that remind you of this. I miss the warmth of the sun like crazy and i wouldnt mind chilling out at the beach right now,.....watching the waves and lazying in the sun with no care in the world :-)
i can never get enough of the magical beauty of the ocean :-)
"The voice of the sea speaks to the soul. The touch of the sea is sensuous, enfolding the body in its soft, close embrace." - Kate Chopin |
Click here and here to check out the community from where i created my mix-match colourful winter inspiration sets.If you are not yet a member out there, and you love fashion and style and also love to be creative....then click here and register. Join the Polyvore community and get inspired by meeting other creative fashionistas.
Now i feel good after playing and mix-matching all these good mood colours :-)) Hope you are all feeling good too....if yes, why not join me dance to my favorite good mood song......Whoa-oa-oa! I feel good, I knew that I would, now..........Keep that mood high and have fun mix-matching your blues away :-) Until we meet again, stay cool :-).......
I feel good, I knew that I would, so good, so good, I got you.....................:-)))))
from "Deutschland" with luv,
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